#1 Yoga Chat with Jaye Martin and Julia Schlenkert

This one is deeep! 

When my teacher Jaye Martin came over to Germany to teach parts of my Anusara Yoga Immersion this April, we talked about Yoga without talking about the practice on the mat (o.k., one of Anna’s questions was, „where’s your favorite place to practice“).
If you’re interested in one of the following topics, please sit back and enjoy Jaye’s insights!
– What is so „magical“ about Yoga?
– Where do we gain our energy from – especially as Yoga teachers?
– Yoga is a strengthening practice, but so much more then that – what’s our spiritual muscle?
– Am I a bad Yogi? Why am I sometime’s angry even though I practice?
– Do I want to experience all kinds of flavors in life, even anger, grief etc.?
– How do I live in this world, run a business and still act from a place of pure joy?
– How do I balance Yoga and work? Or is teaching rather an offering?
– What is „Enlightenment“?

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